All Peopled Out!

Friday was my birthday, and it’s a significant one. I’m 50! The big five oh! Am I worried about that? No! I’m loving where my life is at right now. I’m happy, healthy (to a degree) and I’m cranking through my plans and goals for the year. I’m really enjoying where I am. I have a lovely family, a supportive partner and so many lovely people in my life.

On Friday, we had a ‘party’ for the my birthday. I say ‘party’, because it wasn’t really an official party, it was just an invitation to friends to join us (My Mum, son and Mr H) to celebrate with me. I was blown away with the people who turned up, and I know that I have a lot of beautiful and special people in my life.

On Saturday, my Dad and stepMum came over and we had a barbeque for my birthday, with two of my closest friends coming over. It was another really special and lovely day, with my friends making me the most beautiful birthday presents themselves. (See attached photo) I really appreciated the effort that they put into making me feel special.

I was in bed by 7pm on Saturday night, and asleep before 8.

Today is Sunday, and I am absolutely exhausted. I look like I have a hangover, and I can barely keep my eyes open. I’m not a drinker, I had one glass of wine on Friday, and one on Saturday, so I’m not actually hungover.

I love that I had so many people come and celebrate with me, but I am over-peopled! It doesn’t mean that I don’t like people around me, or with me, it just means that I have over-socialised, and being an introvert, I’ve had way too much social activity in the last two days.

I am so blessed to have so many wonderful people around me that love me. And I am so thankful for them in my life. Even if I do get tired out being around them.

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