2025 Goals, Dreams and Wishes

Welcome to 2025! Did you set any resolutions? I didn’t. I don’t because I can’t keep them. But I do make small changes in my habits throughout the year, which culminates at the end of the year with a fitter, healthier, slimmer me. I’m pleased with the changes I made last year and hope to make more this year.

I do set goals for my writing, and I have purchased Joanna Penn’s Your Author Business Plan because this year, I am going to take my writing seriously.

I was out for a walk on Friday and decided that since I’m not working (at present, I have work for about 12 weeks over apple picking season), I will write until my fingers bleed (okay, maybe a little bit less dramatic than that), and work towards building up my writer business, platform and products. If I can build my writing business to make at $50,000 then I won’t need to look for full time work.

Of course, this is a big leap for me. I made my first $100 last year, from the previous 9 years of writing. So, I haven’t even reached my first goal from last year of making my first $1000. It’s a huge leap to expect me to earn $50k from my books this year, but if I don’t try, then I won’t know if I can do it or not.

I also want to write at least three books this year, again, and stretch for that fourth book. I did write three last year and published two books. This year I want to publish at least three (Finding Sam Healey, Carol’s Christmas and the first of the Racing Harts books).

But to start the year off, I am embarking on a little secret project. So, secret that I can’t tell you otherwise I’d have to kill you. But all will be revealed. I should know in the next couple of weeks if I can do it or not. But I know that I can write a book in 30 days, so I plan to give myself a little grace and work on 45 days. I should be able to write just over 8 books a year if I mathed right. But I don’t want to burn out, and I know that at least two weeks in between in a good break, because I’m normally busting to keep writing again after two weeks off.

My dream is to be writing “full time” within 5 years (4 if I count last year). Is this achievable? Maybe, I have a whole dream board with my five-year plan on it, including what cars I want and when, and then I had to calculate in my partner’s Monaro as well.

It’s going to be a big year for me. One I am ready to tackle head on, because I can do this, I just need to put the effort and work in.

What are your goals and dreams for your future?

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