Aotearoa, New Zealand

These are some amazing videos shot around New Zealand.  This is why I haven’t moved far from this place and why its s easy to write about such an amazing place.

This video shows the beauty that is the southern South Island


This video is done through timelapse, its simply stunning.

Another video of New Zealand’s Beauty



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Encouraging Others

I love writing. But it can be lonely. You’re sitting at your laptop, staring at the screen, wondering where the words will come from.

It’s part of the reason why I’ve joined so many writing groups, to meet like minded people. Because we are all alone on our computers, trying to write the next best selling novel.

And I’ve met some really lovely people through this experience.

This week I’ve been in communication with a lovely lady in California who is still working her way through her first novel. It’s had several iterations, but she’s happier now with where it’s going. She just needs to finish it.

We have a deal going. If she doesn’t finish writing it by the end of February, she is going to send me a $1. And while it would be nice to have a US$1 bill, I’m going to do everything I can to encourage her to finish her novel, because I want to see her happiness at succeeding, rather than have that $1 note.

I’m that kind of person, I like to encourage others, not just with writing. Just before Christmas, we were at Rai Valley having a coffee when I saw a lady walk past with these most amazing boots. I complimented her on them. She was gruff and not very happy looking, but I smiled and told her I loved her boots. When she came out of the shop, she told me to have a lovely Christmas and smiled at me. It was a beautiful smile.

Sometimes someone needs to hear that they look good, or they did something pretty awesome, because our inner selves are telling us otherwise.

So next time you see something you like, or something that was a kind act, tell that person. They might just need to hear it.

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