A New Season

Yay, spring is here! Well, not technically, but today is the first of September, which is the first day of Spring, but we’ve had daffodils flowering since April, so perhaps it’s actually autumn???

Well, it has been a busy week for me, not at work, but writing-wise. Had two days off work last week because of rain, which sounds nice, but it isn’t. Not normally, but these two days I used to format up Compromising Positions ebook for Advanced readers, and I put something out in my newsletter about that. If you didn’t get my newsletter, why not? You should be able to sign up if you are on my website.

So, I have a pre-order up for Compromising Positions as well, it will be launched on 1 November 2024. Two books in one year! I know!

Not only that, but after to-ing and fro-ing over my plot in Racing Harts, Faith’s story, I have finally decided on the course of action, and I’m near the finish line, only like 5 or 6 chapters away. Considering I knock out about half to a chapter each time I write, that could be done by next week. And I actually did write every day last week, except for the weekends, because, well, I like to have a break too.

And I am working through the Sam Healey edits. Slowly, very s l o w l y… I’m dragging my feet on that, and I can’t really explain why. I guess I felt that formatting Compromising Positions was more where I needed to spend my time. (I wasn’t procrastinating at all, I promise…)

Anyway, how is your week going? Anything exciting happening in your world?

Take care
