Aotearoa, New Zealand

These are some amazing videos shot around New Zealand.  This is why I haven’t moved far from this place and why its s easy to write about such an amazing place.

This video shows the beauty that is the southern South Island


This video is done through timelapse, its simply stunning.

Another video of New Zealand’s Beauty



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Steeping Learning Curves

I’ve been at my new job for three weeks now, and it’s been a steep learning curve. I’m having to learn not just one CMS (Customer Management System), but also an outdated requisitions website, which I’m not allowed access too until I’ve done appropriate training.

I’m enjoying the new job; it is certainly an eye opener. I’m already aware that I’m not a keen ear when it comes to gossip, like my two cohorts are. They can tune into any conversation and follow along, no matter how noisy it is. I struggle to remember to open the door when the door chimes! Never mind answering the telephone. As a gardener, I didn’t need those skills.

I’m working in ICU (or ICCU – Intensive Coronary Care Unit), and it hasn’t been full on like it expected it to be, although that is probably a good thing because I don’t think I’m quick enough to get ahead of the eight ball if I need to be. I will be with time, but right now, not so much. I have to say that the staff are amazing, and really helpful. A couple of them have been able to answer any questions I’ve had or find answers if they can’t help. I also have the trainer on speed dial, and I might need her this week, as I am going it alone this week, on my first roster shift on my own.

As a result of the large learning curve, I haven’t had a lot of time for my writing, or editing, but I have today (Monday) off, so that will help me get ahead in my editing, because Finding Sam Healey is due to the editor at the end of today…eek!

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